Saturday, September 26, 2009

Saturday C'n'G fix

I found this (?) at

I really hope doesn't sue me. Lolcatz good, be nice to poor old Fitzy...

"Oh jeez, what did I drink last night..?"

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Not quite sure how to embed video yet.

...but this link goes to a video with much Cuteness and Grumpiness:

Grumpy or not Grumpy?

So, what do you think? Grumpy? Just tired?

This cookie looks more affronted than Grumpy to me.

Grumpy or secretly napping?

OK, this one's Grumpy. Mr. Grumpy to you.

Grumpy or attempting "Blue Steel"?

A few on Tuesday

Twice the Cute! Twice the Grumpy!

When I get down from here...

Well, that didn't work out.

...and a little political humour, just because couldn't resist.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Mostly kitties this time

Kids HATE washing their face.

If any of the guys saw me now...

Grumpy...and plotting REVENGE!

Not sure what this guy's PO'd about, but he's got a nice 'stache.

Mo-om! Does that even LOOK like me??

Goo-oo-ood morning! What, not a morning person?

Don't forget, I'd love to see your Cute'N'Grumpy pics and vids. cutengrumpyATgmailDOTcom

I seriously need a cup of coffee.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

One last one for tonight:

OK, a few more...

This bird is seriously unimpressed.

I almost didn't post this one, because while Liev Schreiber is looking Grumpy, it's his kid who's Cute. But they're related, so I'm going to say it counts.

Grumpy. Cute?

...a-a-a-and I got this one from

A few more, to keep the ball rolling

Oh yeah, my email address is cutengrumpyATgmailDOTcom.

This one makes me think of a judge, not sure why...

"Do I amuse you? Am I a clown to you?"

This one came from

First post!

So one day, while I was flipping through one of the photo blogs I enjoy perusing, it occurred to me that one of my favourite things on the internet is Cute things that are also Grumpy. I could find lots of pictures of Cute things, and occasionally they were simultaneously Grumpy, but I couldn't go to just one place to get my Cute'N'Grumpy fix. Something had to be done!

So I started this blog. If you have a Cute thing that is prone to Grumpiness, please send in pictures of them being both at the same time, and I'll post them for all the internets to see. Got some video of something being both Cute AND Grumpy? Send that too! You're out there, right? People who share my...affinity for things Cute"N"Grumpy?

I guess we'll see. And to start you off:

Fitzy (me, not the puppy)